Monday, February 14, 2005

Las revelaciones de la increíble Miss Reef 2005

Karina Muñoz no se anda con chicas. Cuando sólo cuenta 18 años, a la flamante reina del concurso de belleza del verano le llueven las ofertas de trabajo. Por lo mismo tendrá que coordinar sus horarios de gimnasio, colegio y de pololeo, aun cuando sea una relación "abierta". (Fotos: Dany Alveal)

Τεχνολογική και εγκεφαλική υπανάπτυξη

Συντάκτης: Βιβή Παπαστεφάνου
Πηγή: ΝΕΤ 105,8

Μεγάλη απάτη που γινόταν μέσω διαδικτύου εξιχνίασε η ασφάλεια Αττικής, με δράστη έναν 34χρονο γλύπτη. Ο δράστης εξαπατούσε τα θύματά του παρουσιάζοντας στην ιστοσελίδα του φωτογραφίες πολιτικών, που υποτίθεται ότι τους γνώριζε και με φωτομοντάζ τους εμφάνιζε να κρατούν χαρτιά με το λογότυπο της εταιρείας του. Μέσω της ιστοσελίδας υποσχόταν διορισμούς στο Δημόσιο, μετεγγραφές φοιτητών, νομιμοποίηση αυθαιρέτων και επιτυχία στους διαγωνισμούς του ΑΣΕΠ. Το ποσό που έπαιρνε ο 34χρονος ξεκινούσε από 500 ευρώ και έφτανε τα 2000, ανάλογα με την περίπτωση του ανυποψίαστου επισκέπτη. Η πληρωμή γινόταν μέσω πιστωτικής κάρτας, όπου ο ενδιαφερόμενος συμπλήρωνε σε ειδική φόρμα, τα προσωπικά του στοιχεία, τον αριθμό, τον κωδικό ασφαλείας και τη λήξη της κάρτας. Σε έρευνα που έγινε στο σπίτι του βρέθηκαν και κατασχέθηκαν ένας σκληρός δίσκος, τρεις πιστωτικές κάρτες, πλήθος από CD Rom ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή και σημειώσεις που αποδείκνυαν τα αδικήματα που διέπραττε. Το τελευταίο 2μηνο η ιστοσελίδα του δέχθηκε χιλιάδες επισκέπτες από όλο τον κόσμο, καθώς και από παιδιά Ελλήνων μεταναστών. Την ίδια στιγμή η ασφάλεια δεχόταν δεκάδες καταγγελίες από αλλοδαπούς και ημεδαπούς που κατήγγειλαν την απάτη. Σε βάρος του σχηματίστηκε δικογραφία και στάλθηκε στον εισαγγελέα.

Kylie: From top bum to mum


CURVY Kylie Minogue IS finally taking her famous bum out of the spotlight. And the pop princess has hinted she may take a break from music too — to become a mum.

Kylie, 36, first declared she was covering up her pert bottom in October 2003 — because she felt too old to flaunt it. But she cheekily continued to show it off following protests from millions of male admirers.

Now the Aussie star — this week voted the world’s sexiest 30-something — has confirmed she is fed-up with wearing figure-hugging skirts and hotpants.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Leykis 101

  1. NEVER, and I mean EVER...date a single mother or father
  2. Follow the "three strikes and your out" rule. Which means if she hasn't put out in the first three dates, dump the bitch.
  3. Never pick up your phone Friday through Sunday. Screen all of your phone calls
  4. No cuddling after sex. You kick their ass out in time for Sportscenter
  5. Always wear a condom. Even if she is on birth control. No exceptions
  6. Never spend more than $40 on a date. And if she pays, all the better
  7. Pick out the women with the lowest self esteem. The lower the better. Beautiful women normally have a very low self esteem
  8. Get in touch with your "inner A-hole". Women are drawn to assholes. If your a nice guy (pussy), you won't get laid. She'll categorize you as her "friend"
  9. Women are attention whores and will do almost anything to get it. So keep that in mind when you see some woman dressed to kill
  10. never have coffee or lunch with a woman unless you want to be "friends". Women have dinner with the men that they bang, not lunch or coffee.
  11. Women, you have no male friends. Every male you call a friend wants to bang the living fuck out of you. If you don't believe me, then as a test...tell any one of your male friends that you want to sleep with them and see if they turn you down
  12. Stay away from any women who says the words "All my friends are guys". That is trouble and should be avoided at all costs
  13. If the person you are dating stops putting out, Dump that bitch
  14. Men, the reason why you are friends with a woman with the exception of having a past relationship with her...is that she doesn't find you attractive. The truth hurts. Move on
  15. Men, the more confidence you show the better chances you have of getting the girl. Women smell a pussy a mile away and they can also smell confidence. Women are attracted to confidence almost more than anything else
  16. Don't ever tell a woman you love her unless you really do. Don't do it especially just to get in her pants. The consequences are many and get you in to big trouble
  17. If your girlfriend is spending a lot of time with a "friend" of the opposite sex, dump that bitch
  18. Do not get married until you are at least 25 years of age
  19. Do not buy her flowers until the second year you are married
  20. Don't do anything in the beginning of the relationship you wouldn't normally do later in the relationship. Because her expectations of anything you do for her will cause you problems later
  21. Never hold her purse. Unless you are a pussy or have a pussy, you shouldn't be holding a purse
  22. Always become unavailable during the holidays. Never pick up the phone close to holiday seasons. Especially Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving
  23. Do not go to a concert with a woman if she invites you. Especially if she has backstage passes or has a friend in the band she is going to see. It just means she is there to fuck the other guy. She probably just used you for the ride there
  24. Never buy a woman a drink. It's just another way of a woman getting something she wants for free while the man thinks she's interested in him (applies outside of relationships)
  25. Eat before you go out on a date. Purpose is that a woman normally wouldn't be caught dead eating more than her date. So this results in a lower costing date by the end of the evening. You tell her that you are trying to eat healthy
  26. Do not order a bottle of wine. And the reason you don't when she asks is because you want to make sure you get her home safely. And to ensure this to the best of your ability, you don't want to drink any alcohol.
  27. If your date picks up their cell phone, silently get up and drive off without them. If they wouldn't give you the lack of respect to pay attention to you on the date, you don't give them the respect of driving them home
  28. This came from listener comments, so here it is. Keep a bottle of hot sauce Every place you have sex (Bathroom, bedroom etc.) After you use the condom, put a few drops into the used condom and throw it away. This results in the "Burning of the cooch" if the bitch tries to actually use the contents.
Monday, February 07, 2005

Everyone else has had more sex than me

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Everyone else has had more sex than me.

Corporate chambers and office amore.
Shenanigans outdoor and in.
Resist and then later your find out there's more
Regret in not doing the sin.

Beyond the Headlines

The mistakes of laissez-faire revisited

Larry Elliott
It has become clear in recent years that there is a need for bodies that can help manage globalisation. Unlike a decade ago, it is no longer assumed - even by multinational corporations - that everything can be left to the self-regulating market. Put bluntly, the modern world is re-learning some of the lessons of the past. Back in the 19th century, there was a similar belief that leaving the forces of supply and demand unencumbered by restrictions and constraints would lead to perfect equilibrium. If only wages could be set by demand and supply, if only all tariffs could be removed, if only entrepreneurs could be encouraged by low taxes, there would be a state of grace.

Things didn't quite work out as planned. The Austrian economist and historian Karl Polanyi pointed out in his book The Great Transformation that this was a wholly utopian view of the world and he was absolutely right. Those who were victims of 19th century laissez-faire did not just take it on the chin.
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Δείγμα τυπικής γυναίκας

Κείμενο Καταχώρησης: Ψάχνω παθιασμένους άντρες να με κάνουν να περάσω καλά. Θέλω να σας νοιώσω παντού. Να κάνετε δικό σας όλο μου το κορμάκι. Απο το καυτό μου στόμα μέχρι τα τρυφερά μου πόδια. Να μπείτε μέσα μου από όλες μου τις εισόδους και να κάνετε έρωτα σε όλο μου το σώμα. Μετά θα γυρίσω στο αγόρι μου να γίνω η ήσυχη και ντροπαλή κοπέλα του...

Εμφάνιση: Ομορφος/η
Χρώμα Ματιών: Μαύρα
Χρώμα Μαλλιών: Καστανά
Βάρος: 50-55 κιλά
Ύψος: 165-170
Θρήσκευμα: Χριστιανός Ορθόδοξος

Μιά φαντασίωση?: Δύο άντρες κι εγώ...
Φετίχ: Μεγάλα αντρικά όργανα
Κάτι που με χαρακτηρίζει: Με ερεθίζει η ιδέα να απατάω το αγόρι μου. Να γίνομαι ένα πουτανάκι που το παιρνουν όλοι και αυτός νομίζει πως είμαι δική του...
Friday, February 04, 2005

Orgasmatron just the job to get romance buzzing around Valentine's Day

Tickled pink ... mum-of-two Mary experienced thrills in bed thanks to implant inserted in US opLowri Turner, Western Mail

The lights are dimmed, soft music tinkles in the background and a glass of champagne fizzes on the bedside table. Under the duvet though, things are not quite as relaxed. As he works away like someone trying to bore a second Channel Tunnel, she runs through her shopping list for the morning. "Washing up liquid, cornflakes, 5lbs of potatoes...."

Valentine's Day is just over a week away.

Many couples are already planning a romantic evening. The sad truth, however, is that while he is pretty much assured a good night, things are more in doubt for her. If reaching orgasm is the sexual equivalent of scaling a peak in the Himalayas, many women have trouble getting over a speed hump.

Now one scientist claims to have come up with a solution. The Orgasmatron, named after the device in the 1968 film Barbarella, is an implant, or rather two, that are said to guarantee a female orgasm. For £9,000, patients can have a pair of tiny electrodes implanted. These are connected by wires to nerves in the spinal chord. Then, using a remote control, tiny pulses of electricity can be sent to the spine, so resulting in orgasm.

Mumbo-jumbo’s survival instinct

Colin MacCabe

In his recent book scholar-journalist Francis Wheen hilariously exposes the madness and irrationality of today's world and asks: whatever happened to the Enlightenment? But one of those he reproaches now says that Wheen himself has not gone far enough.

The paperback publication of Francis Wheen’s How Mumbo-Jumbo conquered the world allows the possibility of reflecting on one of the most amusing and informative of recent books. Wheen is that very unusual thing, a journalist who is also a real scholar, and a writer who is not afraid to think. His biography of Karl Marx combined wide-reaching scholarship with faultless prose to provide an enduring portrait of the author of Das Kapital. Mumbo-Jumbo, which aspires to analyse the intellectual Zeitgeist of the last generation – from self-help to modern management, from post-structuralism to the weightless economy – gives him a large canvas on which to execute some savage portraits.

The very best part of the book is an account of the speculative bubble of the late 1990s where the positive thinking of the self-help books, the meretricious inanities of modern management and the wishful thinking of those trying to get rich quick came together in an orgy of stupidity which Wheen savours expertly.

Search and you shall find

With the launch yesterday of MSN search, Bill Gates is taking Google on at its own game. But it's not just a fight for web hits and advertising dollars: it is also a reflection of how a simple tool has become essential to the way we live our lives. Oliver Burkeman and Bobbie Johnson report
"It becomes an extension of my mind, an extension of my taste, my sensibility, my active memory," says Sherry Turkle, a philosopher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. We no longer need to remember, yet nor can we ever truly forget, because everything's out there, logged and stored. It's not so much that knowledge is power. Dominating the market in the tools people use to navigate that knowledge - which is what Gates wants to do now - is the true source of power. Own that, and is it too much of an overstatement to say that you own a little piece of people's brains?

The Cell chip - what it is, and why you should care

By Andrew Orlowski in San Francisco

Analysis No chip in years has caused as much excitement as the Cell processor developed by IBM, Sony and Toshiba. It promises to be the most important microprocessor of the decade, with potentially enormous repercussions for how the industry computes, and how the rest of us use digital media. It will power the PlayStation 3 and technical and commercial computing.

Technical details of Cell will be disclosed at the International Solid State Circuits Conference in San Francisco next week, and in anticipation we'll look first at how the Cell works and then tomorrow at what it means to the industry and consumers.

Excitement about Cell has already led to some wild and poorly informed speculation, as Ars Technica's Jon Stokes rued last week. But earlier in the month, Microprocessor Report's Tom Halfhill published an investigation into a detailed patent filed in 2001, and published by the USPTO in October, and he was kind enough to discuss it with us. We'll refer to it as the '734 patent.
Thursday, February 03, 2005

Golden Globes

A literate look at the most unforgettable breasts in movie history

She rises from the depths like the Venus of the San Fernando Valley—slicked hair glistening, water dripping from her smiling lips, dark eyes glittering with libidinal mischief. Then—in a scene that will forever grant an otherwise incomprehensible erotic aura to the Cars—the new-wave chestnut “Moving in Stereo” kicks in as Phoebe Cates begins her slo-mo poolside strut. And boy, do they move in stereo, those pert, secondary sexual characteristics of teenage Phoebe Cates, as—in one breathtaking gesture—she frees her frisky buds from their front-fastening red bikini top to quiver in the balletic perfection of Judge Reinhold’s furtive spank dream.

'Zero intelligence' trading closely mimics stock market

NewScientist.com news service
Katharine Davis

A model that assumes stock market traders have zero intelligence has been found to mimic the behaviour of the London Stock Exchange very closely.
However, the surprising result does not mean traders are actually just buying and selling at random, say researchers. Instead, it suggests that the movement of markets depend less on the strategic behaviour of traders and more on the structure and constraints of the trading system itself.

The research, led by J Doyne Farmer and his colleagues at the Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, US, say the finding could be used to identify ways to lower volatility in the stock markets and reduce transaction costs, both of which would benefit small investors and perhaps bigger investors too.

A spokesperson for the London Stock Exchange says: "It's an interesting bit of work that mirrors things we're looking at ourselves."

Are bloggers journalists? Do they deserve press protections?

An Apple lawsuit against the operators of fan websites stirs debate on whether bloggers can claim legal protections.
By Randy Dotinga Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

In the small universe of powerful bloggers, Joshua Micah Marshall and John Hinderaker are separated by 900 miles and an even wider political divide. Mr. Marshall leans to the left from Washington D.C., while Mr. Hinderaker, a Minneapolis attorney, sits firmly in the conservative camp. But the two men do share something in common: No one is really sure what to think of them.

Are they journalists with an obligation to check facts, run corrections, and disclose conflicts of interest? Or are they ordinary opinion-slingers, like barbers or bartenders, with no special responsibilities - or rights?

Even in a country where most citizens probably have no idea what a blog is, it's not just an academic debate. Bloggers, some observers say, are becoming major players in everything from national politics to consumer trends. As a result, "their conflicts, motives, and agendas matter enormously," says Zephyr Teachout, who served as Internet director for the Howard Dean campaign.

Thus I Refute Chyng Sun

Feminists for Porn

It was with a growing sense of outrage that I read Prof.Chyng Sun's report of her visit this past January to the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. I couldn't help wondering it the author had done any prior research whatsoever into the active, twenty-year debate among women over the impact of pornography on their individual lives and their status as a gender. There's nothing new in her indignation, nothing fresh in her insights and nothing unfamiliar in her arguments. As a sex-worker and sex-worker advocate for over two decades, I've heard and read it all before.

The professor appears wholly unfamiliar with the work of accomplished, feminist women who reject her fundamental contentions about porn and sex-work. If she bothered to consider the writings of Nadine Strossen, Carol Queen, Pat Califia, Susie Bright, Wendy McElroy, Sallie Tisdale, Linda Williams, Annie Sprinkle, myself and others, her homework wasn't reflected in what she showed me. Clearly, testimony that failed to corroborate her pre-conceived notions of what porn is "really" about, or what it "really" means didn't register on her radar screen.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Casino rents eBay cleavage for £422

It appears that online casino Golden Palace has successfully rented the legally-displayable portion of the Scotswoman's breasts offered as advertising space on eBay.

If so, the gambling outfit has - for a modest £422 - added another pair of assets to its unusual eBay purchase portfolio - the company recently paid $28,000 (£15,000) for an amusing simulacrum of the Virgin Mary in a toasted cheese sandwich.

We now await with relish the deployment of Golden Palace's logo on Angel's 42GG mams. She will display said image for 15 days, during which "I can have photos taken of me, with your logo, in front of any of the popular landmarks in Glasgow, or our nation's capital."

World's news channels play to prejudices

In the studios at Fox News, Rupert Murdoch's American channel, they could scarcely contain their joy at the "incredible" reports that voter turnout in Iraq had reached 95% "in some areas". "It really is unbelievable," one of the anchors said jubilantly, apparently without intending to cast doubt on the reports.

The channel, which critics have accused of being slavish to the Bush administration, was looking determinedly on the bright side.
At al-Jazeera, a different picture emerged: at least 32 dead in a day of election-related violence. The Qatar-based satellite channel showed people clearing up at the scene of a bombing and what looked like a ballot paper stained with blood.